What to expect from your evaluation appointments:
During one or more online interviews, you will be asked about your current concerns, specific symptoms or problems, family background, and medical history. The in-person testing appointment will take several hours (2-8) and will assess thinking skills, as well as emotional and behavioral functioning.
During the testing session, you will be asked to solve puzzles, answer questions, and complete paper-and-pencil activities and computer tasks.
When you visit with one of our providers, other staff members may be present during that appointment. Sometimes your provider may work with a medical scribe, who takes notes during your session and may assist with scheduling and other coordination of care needs.
Testing is conducted at a comfortable pace, and you can take breaks as needed.
Preparing for child testing appointment/what to bring:
- A child evaluation typically takes 5-8 hours to complete, and may need to be completed in two sessions instead of one.
- At least one parent/guardian is required to be in clinic at all times while a child is being evaluated.
- Toddlers and preschoolers may be told they are going to meet a new doctor, complete some puzzles, and play some games. Reassure children that they will not receive any shots.
- Older children and adolescents may be told they will spend their day with a helping professional completing different types of activities. Activities may include puzzles, games, answering questions, filling out forms, and talking to a doctor who may ask about home, friends, school, and relationships.
- If your child asks, “Why do I have to do this?” you can explain that this evaluation helps to identify what they do best, along with those things that may be harder for them. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses, we can give them the support they need to succeed at school and feel better at home, at school, and with friends. Assure your child that there is no “passing or failing” and let them know that many children find the tasks fun.
- It is important your child is well-rested and able to do their best for the evaluation.
- If your child is not feeling well, PLEASE RESCHEDULE. We can usually reschedule your appointment quickly.
- Please make sure your child eats a good breakfast prior to the evaluation.
- Please administer or bring any regularly scheduled medication the morning, unless directed otherwise. Contact our main office if you have any questions about what to take on the day of testing.
- If your child wears prescription glasses or hearing devices, please bring those to the appointment.
- Lunch/Snacks: There will be a 30-min break for lunch. There are many dining options available within the immediate area, by car. You may bring lunch/snacks/drinks from home. NO NUTS, please!
- Please do not bring small children with you to the evaluation.
What information or documents are required for my child’s evaluation?
- Completed parent and teacher forms which you will receive via email (or mail, by request). Please give teacher forms to your child’s main/primary teacher to complete.
- Medical and mental health records, as relevant
- School Records (IEP documents or 504 Plan, unofficial transcripts or Grade Reports, MEAP/NWEA/other standardized test scores, disciplinary reports).
- Therapy/intervention reports (speech, occupational, physical, psychological/behavioral health).
Preparing for an Adult testing appointment:
- An adult evaluation for ADHD or Memory problems typically two hours.
- In most cases, testing can be completed in one day.
- It is important that you are well-rested and able to do your best for the evaluation. If you are sick or feel unwell, please contact us to reschedule your appointment. We can usually reschedule your appointment quickly.
- Please take or bring any regularly scheduled medication. Contact the office if you have questions.
- Please bring prescription glasses and prescribed hearing devices.
- For longer evaluation sessions, there will be brief break for lunch. There are many dining options available within the immediate area, by car. You can take a break any time. You may bring snacks/drinks from home. NO NUTS, please!
What information or documents should I bring to my evaluation?
- Completed self and family-rating forms that you received prior to your visit.
- Medical and mental health records,
- Prior evaluations and outside studies: (MRI brain imaging reports, blood labs, PCP progress notes, psychiatrist notes, etc.)
- List of current medication
It is important to be healthy, get a good night's sleep the night before testing, and eat breakfast. If the client is ill (even with mild symptoms), does not sleep well (less than 7-8 hours of sleep), or is going through a difficult time (severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.) please text or call 734-386-0041 and let us know. We will reschedule for another day (typically a week or less) when the client feels better and rested. The client will be sent home if they are showing signs of being ill. It is more important to show up ready to do your optimal best rather than be punctual. If the client needs extra time to sleep or eat breakfast, contact the office to let them know you need more time and will be running late.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are seeking an evaluation for higher education accommodations, or accommodations for law school/medical school exams, you must inform us at least three (3) business days before your appointment the nature of the testing, the specific exam(s) you will take, and the accommodations you seek. There are strict guidelines and required tests we must perform for all requirements to be fulfilled. Failure to do so will result in a possible denial of accommodations.